If you have the desire to join in and do some volunteer work then please introduce yourself through our contact page. Below are a few of the things that happen behind the scenes to create these special events. Let us know what experience you have, and particularly what you enjoy doing.

Manual Labor

Tables / Seating / Equipment
Set up and dismantle tables for displays and refreshments.
Place and stack cushions and chairs.
Carry and unpack/pack equipment


Make, prepare, serve Chai and/or snacks and soup.


Welcome people and provide basic directions and information.


Counter Attendant/s
Set up, manage and pack merchandise and printed materials.


Advertising / Marketing / PR
Organise occasional media interviews and press articles. Manage placement of advertisements.

Social Media

Connect with people about these events through Facebook and Twitter.


Assist with various administrative tasks.


Create a lovely welcoming atmoshpere with imaginative decorations


Manage all the electric lighting, indoor and outdoor, at the venue. Ensuring that lights are on/off/dimmed at the right times.

Audio Engineer

Sound Recording & PA
Preferably at least 8 track digital recording and mastering capability. (Mechanical copyrights in all recordings made at these events remain with Jarek Czechowicz)

PA System
Set up PA system and microphone/s.

Information Technology

Maintain this website from time to time.

General Duties

Provide general assistance where required.